Our group of companies - Innovative technologies for demanding customers

Wegmann, established in 1882 as a wagon building company, today combines three successful business units, each setting worldwide standards as market and technology leader. Through a German-French Joint Venture in the Defense Industry which are highly recognized around the globe and provide state-of-the-art protection to armed forces. In the field of medicine, surveillance, wind power and machine building leading technology is provided by innovative contactless data and power transmission products and last but not least by precisely manufactured wheel balance weights, valves and other products around the wheelfor the automotive industry worldwide.

In all our enterprises, the Wegmann Group is setting high global standards. Our products are synonymous for "quality and high-tech made in Germany". In addition, an extensive network of subsidiaries, branches and agencies around the globe form the necessary base for meeting the demands and requirements of our customers as a reliable and effective partner.

To learn more about the Wegmann Group, please use the links below to visit their websites.

WEGMANN automotive GmbH

Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 6
D-97209 Veitshoechheim
Tel. +49 (0) 931 32104-0
Fax +49 (0) 931 32104-999

Schleifring GmbH

Maisacher Straße 144
D-82256 Fuerstenfeldbruck
Tel. +49 (0) 8141 403-0
Fax +49 (0) 8141 403-45


Gustav Mahlerlaan 1017
Mahler 1000, 3rd floor
1082 MK Amsterdam